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Marc S.

Chief Operating Officer

Marc is the COO at Moon Prep and his focus is customer happiness; he is intent on delivering an experience unmatched in the industry. 

Marc has spent the last 20+ years in numerous executive operations roles. He has run global advertising agencies, working with some of the biggest brands in the world. Marc believes that sound decision-making comes from having a foundation of core values.  


•    Perseverance - A persistent and steady course of action with purpose, in spite of any difficulties or obstacles that stand in the way. 
•    Integrity - Making decisions that are in the best interest of all involved parties.
•    Group Accountability - The sharing of ownership of circumstances and the results. Leads to organization success, not only individual success.
•    Individuality - Everyone has unique skills, and we should focus and understand the individual components in order to get the most out of each person and to elevate individual strengths. 
•    Service - We serve our fellow employees, our customers, and our communities in a fashion that benefits all.

Personal Note

Marc has been married for 22 years to his wife, Lisa, and has two daughters, Sophie and Piper. Marc can often be seen on stages across Austin, Texas performing with his band.  

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